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Party member vanguard series - I am a party member, my class is my position

Release time: 2021-06-30 Author: Hits:

Party member vanguard series - I am a party member, my class is my position

This issue of Tsinghua Affiliated High School Party Member Pioneer series introduces the story of four party member class teachers。They said, I am a party member, I must always play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members;They said, I am a party member, I always remember their responsibilities, always do not forget the purpose of party members, remember the mission of teachers;They said, I am a party member, I want to cultivate the children's feelings of home and country。They said that under the epidemic, we are an ordinary group of people, because I am a Party member, and I always bear in mind the oath to join the Party in my action。They persevered in the ordinary, let us know them today。

1. Zhang Xiaoqiong

"As a party member, class teacher, math lesson preparation leader, part-time teaching and research staff in Haidian District,I strengthened the coordination and communication with teachers,Do well in online teaching activities,Do a good job in the later teaching arrangement,Instruct young teachers to record lessons,Complete the tasks assigned by Haidian District mathematics teaching and research staff,Record micro lesson: number shape combined with drawing number line,It aired the first week。At the same time, in the context of the rapid spread of the epidemic abroad, it focuses on guiding the students to enhance their confidence in China's victory over the epidemic and cultivate the children's feelings of home and country。”

-- Zhang Xiaoqiong, head teacher of Class 11, Grade One

Home-school collaboration, lead by example

During the epidemic period, it is impossible to communicate with students face to face as usual. How to truly implement the requirement of "suspending classes without stopping school" is the biggest problem that teacher Zhang Xiaoqiong has encountered in student management and education and teaching。Especially the first grade students are relatively young, they are lively, active thinking, self-restraint needs to be strengthened。

In response to this situation, Ms. Zhang first understood the current confusion of parents in the class family committee group and asked for their opinions. In addition, she understood the possible problems of students in the class management group and finally formulated the self-management model of home-school cooperation。How to let students form a good learning atmosphere at home, first of all, the teacher should set an example。Ms. Zhang answers the questions raised by the students in the first time every day, and finishes the homework correction and feedback in the morning。

Teacher Zhang Xiaoqiong works from home

Theme education + Featured activities

Class meeting,Teacher Zhang shared the "rebellious" deeds of the frontline medical staff and shared the video of the school student union "paying tribute to the rebellious",Let students know the strong measures taken by the country against the epidemic,Let the children strengthen the belief of victory over the epidemic;It also allows children to strengthen their identification with the core values of national Socialism from the bottom of their hearts,Face home study life with a good mental outlook。

With the creativity of the grade group, the class carried out a class meeting with the theme of "I am very good, you are.?";Combined with the school labor class, carry out the theme class meeting "kitchen God cultivation record";The class meeting "Dynamic Moment" was held to recognize students who persist in sports。In addition, continuing the class characteristic activity of "Start the lecture" last semester, the students made a short video of "the past and present life of the new coronavirus"。They searched for information, made PPT, and recorded micro-lessons by themselves, which deepened students' scientific understanding of the virus and epidemic situation, and helped them to carry out targeted scientific protection。

"Let's Talk, COVID-19 Coverage and Prevention" produced by students themselves

Student feedback

"...Through the class meeting, I learned about the efforts and hardships of the medical staff in front of me,And that we can study at home,Because there are medical staff working for us in silence,I hope we can win this no-smoke battle as soon as possible!...I believe I can study well in the air school!Although the Air school cannot meet and interact happily with the dear teachers and students..."

May the epidemic end as soon as possible and the children meet their dear teacher Zhang as soon as possible。

Two, Nani

"To say a word in my heart, I feel that the work pressure of being a class teacher and a class teacher at the same time is much greater than that of going to school normally。But every time I see the hard work of the medical staff,See the efforts of the people working in the community,See the dedication of the teachers in our school,See what the students achieve every day,I consider myself a teacher as a party member,We should give full play to the exemplary role of party members as pioneers,To contribute to our efforts to fight the battle against the epidemic as soon as possible!"

-- Class Director of Class 13, Grade Two, Nani

How to let go of a hanging heart?

At the beginning of the outbreak, the primary class work was to check the location and contact history of the students, and at that time, the teacher was abroad。But she was not left behind. Due to the time difference, she often worked from late night to early morning in the local area;In the hotel lobby or waiting for the airport, you can see that the teacher is ready to enter the working state of the figure, always concerned about the dynamics of the students who have not returned to Beijing。

Teacher Nani is working at the airport

As the teacher and the last family in her class returned safely to Beijing and passed the 14-day quarantine period, her heart settled。However, another problem is in front of us: how to guide students to pay reasonable attention to the epidemic and scientific response, as well as guide them to "suspend classes without stopping school" and study independently at home?Teacher Nani took the way of "guiding students to collect scientific knowledge of the virus and correct virus prevention and control" and "holding online class meetings" with rules to be efficient。

With great love, focus on upgrading: students + parents + frontline medical workers

In addition to letting the students share their lives and states of mind under different topics through the air school, and giving them reasonable advice and sincere encouragement based on the common problems encountered by the students, the teacher also pays attention to the status of the parents。In view of the problems that parents may encounter in family education, the teacher made a parent-child conference micro-lesson with the theme of "Building a harmonious parent-child relationship and optimizing the family education environment", taking Mr. Wang Zengqi's article "Father and Son become brothers for many years" as the starting point, to help parents summarize the education methods in family education and relieve parents' psychological anxiety。

Teacher Nani also guides students to have great love,After finding out that a parent could buy medical supplies,As the instructor of "Roots and Shoots Public Welfare Association of Tsinghua High School",She and the club leader Song Zhaohan in the form of public welfare club activities,He called on teachers, friends and family members around him to participate in fundraising to help frontline medical workers fight against the epidemic,It eventually raised nearly 17,000 yuan,Get medical N95 masks and gloves at cost,Donate to relevant hospitals。This fundraising action once again let the students establish a sense of responsibility and responsibility for the country and society!

Confirmation letter of donated materials and hospital receiving donated materials

3. Xing Yanru

"As a party member teacher and class teacher, I always remember my responsibilities, always remember the purpose of party members, keep in mind the mission of teachers, lead students to grow up, pursue excellence, while not forgetting to take root down, work hard.。I always believe that the sunshine will Pierce the haze, after the wind and rain, let us go to warm spring together!"

-- Xing Yanru, Class director of Class 9, Grade One

Since the outbreak of the epidemic during the Spring Festival, Xing Yanru teacher has been very concerned about the development of the epidemic situation, always pay attention to the situation of students in the class, and she said to herself that she must be prepared for a "protracted war"。

Teacher Xing Yanru (right) works as a volunteer for party members in the community

"One center, three basic points"

In the eyes of Teacher Xing, the principles and methods of guiding students' learning and life at home can be summarized as "one center, three basic points", home-based learning is family-centered, inseparable from parents' active and reasonable support and help;The three basic points are mainly aimed at students' psychological state, living habits and learning effects。In the "meeting on the cloud" theme class meeting, Mr. Xing expressed to the students: there are changes in the learning mode under the new conditions, I hope the students adjust the state, get up on time, exercise properly, and actively invest in learning life。At the same time, moral education to students can not be interrupted。In the class meeting with the theme of "Looking forward to warm Spring", she shared her thoughts and gains in the epidemic, guiding students to think about how to Revere nature, cherish life, how to think independently in the epidemic and have feelings of home and country。

Of course, Xing teacher will also "assign homework" for parents。In order to guide students to maintain good living habits, but also to promote parent-child communication between parents and students, she asked parents to take videos or photos to record their children's housework, entertainment, sports and other situations at home, and record their after-school life。Through such daily communication, the distance between parents and teachers can be narrowed, and parents can be liberated from the state of urging students to study every day, focusing on the overall growth of students, and promoting the harmonious atmosphere of the family。

Parents shot the students' home study life

Care for students, care for parents

Teaching students from home also brings many new challenges。For example, how to relieve the psychological pressure of students and parents living together at home for a long time。Mr. Xing will actively appeal to parents in the parent group to pay attention to their children's emotions, encourage parents to increase parent-child time, and call on parents to pay attention to their emotional health and seek professional help in time if there are difficulties。Xing teacher is very grateful to the school psychology center Chen Mingqiu teacher in psychological aspects as always support and help。

Mr. Xing said that the future work will be adjusted according to the needs of parents and the confusion of students in home study, and continue to be the "tease sister" of students.。

4. Li Xinping

As a party member teacher, he does his job well and takes the initiative to undertake a number of teaching tasks;As a class teacher, he poured love, devoted himself to counseling students, patiently comforted parents, and always did not forget to practice the responsibility of a Communist Party member。He is Li Xinping, director of Class 3, Grade 2, high school。

Teacher Li Xinping works from home

Silently guard, waiting for flowers

Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, Teacher Li Xinping has always paid attention to the epidemic and made silent contributions in ordinary posts。"Do not leave school, do not relax on holiday, do not suspend classes", in order to achieve online guidance for students to study at home and epidemic prevention and control, Teacher Li in addition to lead by example, in class management focused on the following points:

First, use multiple forms and actively carry out online work

(1) Use wechat to deliver various teaching information to students and parents in a timely manner。

(2) Using Tencent Conference to hold class online meetings。In view of the problems encountered by students in online course arrangement, lectures and homework, listen to the discussion of children and discuss the best solution。

(3) Using the network school to set teaching content, correct homework, and answer questions and guidance in the school to encourage students to summarize and reflect。

2. All kinds of special class meetings escort students' healthy learning

In order to avoid the polarization of students after the epidemic, Teacher Li formulated the "Weekly Study Guide for online courses in Senior Two", and put forward specific "online learning suggestions" and listed practical "study plans" at home to share with students in class meetings。

In order to eliminate the loneliness of students' home study life and reduce the psychological pressure brought by online classes, the class organized the "Gathering · Flying flowers" theme class meeting, which narrowed the psychological distance of students and made students feel the warmth of the class collective。

Li Xinping also pays special attention to the education of students' feelings of home and country。He collated the information of frontline heroes and enthusiastic ordinary people to help the fight against the epidemic, and used the way of "popular videos + current affairs pictures + emotional encouragement" to conduct patriotic education for students, cultivate their feelings of home and country, and help students establish a correct world outlook, values and outlook on life。In the class meeting "Salute to the rebellious", he reminded the students to study hard, serve the motherland in the future, and be a useful person!

Salute the contrarian

Miss Li wrote a poem of the same name in the class meeting "May you grow up slowly", and wish the children cherish the present and grow up well (excerpt) :

"May your luck always be with you,

If not, I hope you learn compassion in misfortune;

May you have more love,

If not, I hope you learn tolerance in loneliness;

May the road ahead always be smooth,

If not, I hope you learn to be strong in the difficulties;

May your future be bright and sunny,

If not, I hope you can drive your horse to catch up!"

They are the ferries of students, carrying students to the light, to hope。With love, responsibility, broad mind and great love, they pave the way for students to a broad world。The Party members and teachers of the Affiliated High School have practiced "The epidemic is the order, prevention and control is the responsibility" with their actions, and guarding the children is victory!

Text: Zhang Xiaoqiongnani Xing Yanru Li Xinping Gao Hongchao

Photo: Zhang Xiaoqiongnani Xing Yanru Li Xinping

Review: Fang Yan Zhang Jie Party victory army

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